Millennial Housing Commission
The Commission, which was authorized in the fiscal year 2000 VA HUD Appropriations bill, was established to develop legislative and regulatory recommendations for Congress to improve the delivery of housing services to low- and moderate-income Americans and expand affordable housing opportunities.
The Commission in turn engaged Compass to provide policy recommendations related to subsidized rental production and preservation. Compass consulted with industry leaders and drafted a series of concept papers and financial models. These products served as the framework for the Commission’s reports and legislative proposals.
Compass has a deep capacity to synthesize complex and contentious housing finance and policy issues. Our experience is broad, working with the private ownership, finance and management industries, interest groups, housing regulators, and legislative bodies. This breadth enables us to broker solutions amongst stakeholders with varying priorities and perspectives.
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Background Papers
- Barriers to Acquisition of At-Risk Properties By Preserving Entities
- Innovative State and Local Programs
- Outcome-Based Compliance Reforms
- Potential Home / CDBG Reforms to Facilitate Their Use With LIHTC
- Pre-LIHTC Affordable Housing - Historical Context
- Preservation of Existing Affordable Housing Preservation Tax Incentive
- Tax Policy Reversals Affecting Investors in Affordable Rental Housing
Concept Papers
Funding for Production and Preservation of Subsidized Rental Housing Long Term Sustainability and Affordability Mixed-Income Rental Housing Sustainable Underwriting Principles
Policy Option Papers
- Issue: Adopt Sustainability and Affordability Principles?
- Issue: Further Reform Public Housing?
- Issue: How to Fund Production and Preservation of Subsidized Rental Housing?
- Issue: How to Preserve Existing Affordable Housing?
- Issue: How to Promote Mixed-Income Housing?
- Issue: Industry Data Warehouse
- Issue: Production of Units for Extremely Low–Income Households?
- Issue: Provide Tax Incentives for Preservation?
- Issue: Reduce Barriers to Acquisition of At-Risk Properties by Preserving Entities?
- Issue: Remove Financing Barriers for Homes with Land Leases From Community Land Trusts?
- Issue: Working Family Mixed Income Rental Housing Production Program